
Monday, January 12, 2015

3rd times the charm!

Elder Loveless, President Perrotti, and Elder Eller
The Campinas Brazil Mission Christmas Party
Well this is the third time we are together! Super stoked!

WE were blessed to be put together in the MTC and in B-Town, now here in Brasil! So excited to serve with Elder Eller again! We are more than brothers!

Well we are having a great time here in Barão Geraldo. We are teaching a few people from the same family, Soliange (who was a member because they have lost her records 2 times and she has to be taught everything again and re baptized) and her daughter Jennifer. It has been so amazing to work with them! She isn’t mad or anything that her record was lost a second time but she is so excited to be rebaptized. Her daughter hasn't shown that much interest in the gospel till Saturday. Elder Eller and I were teaching about a few commandments and baptism was brought up. Jennifer told us how she wanted to be baptized. We then taught to her needs and invited her to be baptized! She accepted. We hope that all will go well helping them come together as a family!

The missionaries with Rodolpho
Well I love you all so much...we will try not to have too much fun!

Some quotes of the week....

"Wow...this is the first time I have seen my Adams apple since 4th grade." (While we were watching a movie)
"Do you know the last time I was below 220 lbs...? Well like 7th grade."

As we were drinking our water.... "Elder Eller did you put bananas in the water?" Him: "no I thought you did." We both take another swig of our banana water. We left bananas in the fridge and it flavored our water ... it’s tasty!
Elder Loveless & Vander, a member from Vida Nova
Also Elder Eller was a great comp laughing hysterically at me as I’m walking on the bus as it hits a bump and I smack my head on the mirror and fall on the chairs! We then both sit together on the bus and we started talking how we started the mission together, severed together in Indiana, came to Brazil together and everything and we both started crying. It was so awkward. Imagine seeing to grown guys crying on the bus together....

Also we aren't able to sleep. It is hot and our house is a sauna....

Love you all!

Elder Loveless
Elder Loveless & Elder Eller

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