Monday, June 30, 2014
Crazy Cool Week!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Many souls!
This last week was seriously one of the best here in Brazil. So amazing and full of the spirit! First off I want to share a cool experience I had. As we have been taught we don’t have a difference between the saving of those who are members but have wandered, and also those who aren’t members. Well there is a less active here that we have been working with him for a while...well he said to me after the death of his step father, "When this is all over can we start family home evenings, and more studies again? I need to come back." Well he came to the activities and is coming back to church! There was something I missed though. Something that I never noticed till now. The joy I felt of having him come back to activity was the same joy I have felt with those that have been baptized. I was then reminded of the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 18: 15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
The thing that amazed me about this scripture is that it simply states souls, not baptisms. Bringing those who are lost and those who aren't members of this church is the same. And the joy is absolutely amazing and indescribable! I love working with those who have lost their way but are striving to come back!
So we have a family we are teaching and the dad is a member but the wife and kids aren't. Well after many years of missionaries trying to baptize her, we went back a few times to gain her trust and help them. Well we were so blessed by the power of the spirit to help us. We invited here to be baptized and to learn more about the gospel. As we taught her what we do at church and our purpose she said, “Missionaries have never explained to me what you do there. Now I know. I want to be baptized." She committed to August 9th. It was amazing as we followed the spirit to think about her needs rather than baptism and it changed the circumstances!
I love this gospel, I’m so grateful for the spirit of reactivation and bringing others back to the fold! This feeling is so amazing and indescribable! I love this gospel, and I know that He lives!
Elder Loveless
Monday, June 16, 2014
Love the work!
Elder Loveless and Elder Rodrigues |
Luiz, Viviane, Eduardo, Pedro |
At the Campinas Temple |
Monday, June 9, 2014
Yeea! Training!
So the world cup is starting this week...things are going to get really crazy! We are confined to our houses during every game that Brazil plays ... More Studies!!!!
So we had a cool experience yesterday! Elder Scott, Ballard, Costa, Soares and Sister Stephens spoke for stakes here in Brazil ... One of the coolest things was Elder Scott gave the exact same talk he gave when I was in the MTC ... but this time he gave it all in Portuguese! It was the coolest experience to hear that talk again and learn from him again! I loved it!
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Elder Loveless with his zone |
We are teaching two kids, Luiz and Pedro. They are sons of a less active couple who have returned to the church. Well we are helping the sons work towards baptism ... As we were watching the restoration, the 9 year old leaned over to me and said, "oh this is about Joseph Smith!" He got so excited and is always reading the scriptures and they always have a special thought to share with us! I love working with families and seeing them come unto Christ! It's the coolest thing ever!
I love you all so much! I hope that all is well!
Love Gary
Friday, June 6, 2014
So my comp finally got better at the end of last I got to be blessed with staying in the house again. I was blessed to finish the Book of Mormon for the first time in Português! It was such a special moment. I was striving to finish it as if I was reading it like an investigator. When I read the last 3 verses I felt such a strong urge to come unto christ more. I had realized the whole time I had been reading it, it had been inviting me to come unto Christ! It was really an amazing moment, I especially loved Moroni 9:25: My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever....I love how he had just finished explaining all the hardship, and told him be faithful, don't be weighed down by the things of the world, but let the Savior and His sacrafice lift you up and bring you joy! I felt so much peace and love that things are bad in the world, but we have the atonement and its here to lift us up!
We had a cool experience this last week! E. Christofferson said in a quote, "The work between less actives and those who arent members is the same. They both have wandered from the path and they need the blessing of the gospel." Our moto in the mission is 100% rescue!
Well we are teaching this less active couple who there kids arent members. Two weeks ago when I and another elder were testifying of the Book of Mormon that they needed to read it and pray about it to feel that love they felt before. Well their 12 year old son was there...little did we know he was listening. We went back monday to find out that he had taken his mom's B.o.M and has been reading it and praying about it. She caught him reading it and asked him what he was doing. He said, "mom if you wont read it, I will, and I will pray about it." The faith and example of that 12 year old who isn't a member has now changed his less active parents and they both are starting to read the Book of Mormon! I love that book! I'm so grateful for the work with those who have fallen from the path. We all fall sometimes and we get to help pick each other up!
Love you all so much!
Happy anniversary mom and dad...and happy b day chica!
Love you all!