This last week was great! We had 2 baptisms! Priscila, and Janie!
It truly was a special experience to able to help them come closer to Christ
and help them receive salvation. It is so amazing that we get to help others
walk towards the celestial kingdom; and we don’t have to be a full time
missionary to do it. I really feel blessed to be able to help my savior in His
work to bring our Father’s children back to him. So amazing.
This last week was so amazing! Loved it! The language is
coming a lot better than before! It has increased so much! I was looking so
hard for the big miracles of my language improving when i was looking past the
small simple things my Father was blessing me with! Something Reese taught me
before the mission that has helped me more than anything, “look for the small
miracles every day, and you will see them compile into great miracles." It
is so true! As I’ve looked for the small things day in and day out, I see the Lord’s
hand more, and it is Always there!
Special experience yesterday during sacrament. I was
thinking a lot about how blessed we are to have His sacrifice, and as i was
picking up the bread to partake, i felt so strongly in my heart that i was literally
being held by Him. His hand really is Always there, and the sacrament is the
key for us to continually be worthy of His love, to receive answers to our prayers.
I love this gospel, I know it’s true! I know it!
Love you all,
Love you all,
Jaine Baptism
Priscilla Baptism
Gary and Jordan Caplin (Gary's cousin's friend) in Indiana