
Monday, February 9, 2015

The last one!

So I came across a scripture during my study last week and it hit me pretty hard, and then I knew the mission was at its end.
2 Timothy 4: 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Each one of us have our own courses in life. None of which were like Paul's, nor the Savior's! But we all have our own courses that we must fight to keep the faith! The mission is the hardest thing I've done. But it was the only thing I could have done the last 2 years to have come to know my Savior and His sacrifice more. And especially to know how I can always come to know Him! I love this gospel with all my heart. It has been a privilege to have been one of His witnesses, that He lives and that His gospel has been restored back on the earth. I love this gospel and the fruits of it! I'm so grateful for the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. Its healing power is so beatiful and it is simply always there if we are but willing to look for it! I know He lives, and I'm grateful for the lifetime I have to know Him more! 
Thanks for everything all of you have done for me these past two years! 
Love you all,
Elder Gary Loveless
One big pizza
Vander from Elder Loveless'  last area took them to dinner
The Elders visited campinas 4 and had chi marrão and pizza with Fabio
Lunch with some members and investigators
The Elders visited this family in the center of Campinas

Monday, February 2, 2015

What a crazy week!

Elder Loveless and Vinicius
Elder Eller, Vinicius, and Elder Loveless at dinner

Well we got a bug and we were both sick allllllll week! But we still managed to get a few things done here and there! We met Vinicius! I brought him the prosthetic limb from Indiana, and finally I was able to meet him. It was so cool!

Elder Loveless and Elder Eller with the ward at the steakhouse

Also the ward along with us went to a steakhouse. It was the best BBQ I've ever had, and super cheap! We love this ward so much! The members are great and they have helped us out so much! It was hard to get a lot of proselyting done since we were resting and trying to get better for our last two weeks! But we are good now...but to add to that  ... our house is out of power for 2 days now! Haha candle light dinners, studies, everything! 

Well the one thing that I have been so blessed to see over the last week is how real the atonement is. This quote pretty much sums up what I've been blessed to study and feel this last week,

The Savior's victory can compensate not only for our sins but also for our inadequacies; not only for our deliberate mistakes, but also for our sins committed in ignorance, our errors of judgement, and our unavoidable imperfections. Our ultimate aspiration is more than being forgiven of sin - we seek to become holy, endowed affirmatively with Christlike attributes, at one with him, like him. Divine grace is the only source that can finally fulfill that aspiration, after all we can do

-Bruce C. Hafen

I love the atonement. I am so grateful to know that we can use the atonement for so much more than just being forgiven. It allows us to become one with Him when we suffer from sin, temptations, pains and doubts. The atonement was made for us to use and never abuse. Even we may have deliberate mistakes,and sins he wants us back. He wants us to use His healing power and to feel of the love of the atonement. I know that it's through the atonement we come to know Him! 

Love you all,

See you in a few weeks! 

Elder Loveless

Elder Loveless & Elder Eller
Elder Loveless & Elder McKay