
Monday, September 9, 2013


So not a ton has happened. Since opening a new area, we are starting from scratch and have been working really hard on finding. Since we are not able to have a car or bike, we walk everywhere...haha love it! Well we have literally talked to every person we see. When we found a couple, we went and were talking to them about the Plan of Happiness, and Gods love. The husband and wife stopped us in mid-sentence and said, “We have reasoned that we don't need religion and that there is no God." With an aching heart I told them,” I am so sorry." We then left them with a card.

We CANNOT reason that there is no God. He is there, why would we ever deny such a perfect deity that has given us all that we have! I know that he lives. I know that.

So I felt prompted this last week to tell Elder Eller that we needed to pray for referrals...well as we have, and done so with faith, we received 2 this morning! I know that our Father hears and answers our prayers! This is the true church!

Oh and by the way, according to the kids here in Bloomington I am Elder Loverless...haha it has a ring to it. Dad we should start a new name so that people can make fun of us! Haha Love you all so very much!

Elder Loverless

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