The Indiana Indianapolis Mission Home |
Well, where to start...so the plane ride was
interesting...we got delayed, flew from Arizona to D.C. then to Indiana. We
didn't get in until after 1, then went to bed just after 2. Very tiring. But on
the plane ride from Arizona to D.C. I had the wonderful opportunity to be put
in the middle seat...well you know what that means...so the lady next to me had
earphones in the whole time and didn't want to talk, but the lady next to me didn't have any. So we spent the first 45 minutes just talking, getting to know her,
and then we slowly got into talking about the gospel. I wanted to give her a
pamphlet of the restoration along with the Book of Mormon to talk with her
about it, but then I realized all of my pamphlets were in Portuguese. So I was
thinking of what to do, and I had a strong feeling to get up and get my copy of
Our Heritage. I pulled it out sat down, and she asked who was on the cover!
PERFECT QUESTION!! Then came along our 3 1/2 hours of talking about the church.
It was so amazing. I was able to be led and guided by the spirit in teaching
her the first three lessons, reading with her passages in the Book of Mormon. She
had so many questions, (p.s. Reese her son in law is Ghanaian.) we talked about
why we don’t baptize children, the role of the temple, sacrament meeting, why
we serve missions. It was so amazing! She then said she was very interested so
we talked about Family history. I then left her with the book of Mormon, a
mormon.org card with other websites. It was such an amazing experience. I pray
and hope that she will contact the missionaries.
Elder Loveless, Elder Buck, Elder Mathias |
So my new companions are Elder Buck from Lehi, and Elder
Mathias form Cedar Hills. Elder Buck is our trainer and district leader! I love
it out here. Nothing is better than being a missionary. We were able to receive
2 new investigators who are amazing and want to know more. The spirit is absolutely
amazing when teaching. I feel so fortunate to be able to be out here and to be
able to bring others closer to Christ. Nothing is better, and nothing has ever
brought me so much joy then when I am serving the Lord and making him the
center of our work as missionaries. He lives! I know that He lives. I see how
He has prepared the beautiful people of Indiana with his spirit and I am more
than grateful to be led by his spirit to help them come to know there savior. I
love being a missionary. It is so hard, it is so exhausting every minute of
every day, but I love it. The ward here is amazing, there is a recent convert
named Larry who is 20. I got set up to "teach the new investigatory Larry"
(didn’t know he was a member at that point) he talked about blacks with the
priesthood, magic under wear, polygamy, and every anti question you could think
of. And my companions would help a bit. But all I could do was testify and
share with him scriptures and all he said was that we were lying. He then left
we went home, and then he knocked on the door and was there. It through me off guard
but then he said to me, you passed the test... he is really amazing. He goes
with the missionaries and especially with us 4-5 times a week. Member
missionary work is crucial! But I am running out of time. My address is:
Elder Gary Loveless
801 North Kings Mill Road Apt. 110
Greenwood, Indiana
Elder Loveless and Elder Sperry (Elder Sperry is Elder Loveless' cousin's son.) |
I also saw Elder Sperry! He looks like he is doing well! Very happy and positive! I forgot to talk about our two new investigators we found tracting, Ben and Roger. Both are amazing and are wanting to know more about the Church. We met Ben on Thursday, after an appointment fell through. We were just walking passed, and said hi and stopped. He then asked if we would be back in a while so he could ask us some questions. We came back, and he said he was told a lot of lies about us, that he didn't believe, and that he wanted to hear what we had to say. He is amazing! He is a cop and has a wife, who at this point he wants us to teach when she is not home. We want to see if we can teach her also. We then taught him the first lesson on Friday. We then found Roger on Saturday, a former investigator. He is really struggling and hopefully he will be able to stay strong and rely on the Savior and our Father in Heaven through prayer. He has told us he is hungering, and is like a little child and needs help. At that point we then testified of the Savior and His atonement, with having faith on His name to get through any trial! I love being able to share my testimony of the Savior and His gospel to all who want to hear. We have a baptism on Saturday with Jason Clouse. His wife and kids aren't getting baptized yet, but hopefully soon! Can't wait for Saturday! Thanks again for everything! Love you all!
With all my love,
Elder Loveless
(P.S. Dad thanks for the last name...yea... other missionaries enjoy it, especially with the members...haha..that's all I have to say.)
The Apartment |
The Bedroom |
Apartment Kitchen |
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